Experts believe the burial may have been that of an archer or a person who made archery equipment.
The artefacts date back to 2,200-2,000BC, senior archaeologist Richard Osgood, of the MOD, said.
the burial mound, about five miles north of Stonehenge, lies on MOD land.
Mr Osgood, from the MOD's Defence Infrastructure Organisation, said it was "an exciting find".
"It was utterly unexpected. These are wonderful artefacts from the early Bronze Age, about 2,200-2,000 BC," he said

A Bronze Age cremation burial has been discovered near Stonehenge after being accidentally dug up by a badger.
found in a burial mound at Netheravon, Wiltshire, include a bronze saw,
an archer's wrist guard, a copper chisel and cremated human remains.Experts believe the burial may have been that of an archer or a person who made archery equipment.
The artefacts date back to 2,200-2,000BC, senior archaeologist Richard Osgood, of the MOD, said.
the burial mound, about five miles north of Stonehenge, lies on MOD land.
Mr Osgood, from the MOD's Defence Infrastructure Organisation, said it was "an exciting find".
"It was utterly unexpected. These are wonderful artefacts from the early Bronze Age, about 2,200-2,000 BC," he said

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