Este sitio ha sido creado con la finalidad de compartir información, a cerca de la cultura germánica e indoeuropea, poniendo especial énfasis en sus aspectos mitológicos, literarios, históricos y épicos, mi objetivo es puramente educativo, sin ánimo de lucrar bajo ningún aspecto.
Ante cualquier sugerencia o duda, pongasé en contacto vía e mail.
Hail The Hammer! :)
This site has been created with the purpose of sharing information about the Germanic and Indo-European culture, with special emphasis on its mythological, literary, historical and epic aspects, my goal is purely educational, non-profit in any respect.
For any suggestions or questions, please contact me via email.
Hail The Hammer! :)
Ante cualquier sugerencia o duda, pongasé en contacto vía e mail.
Hail The Hammer! :)
This site has been created with the purpose of sharing information about the Germanic and Indo-European culture, with special emphasis on its mythological, literary, historical and epic aspects, my goal is purely educational, non-profit in any respect.
For any suggestions or questions, please contact me via email.
Hail The Hammer! :)
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