This Greek cup, dating from around 510 B.C., depicts an Amazon warrior on a horse. Scholars suggest wording on the vase names the woman Worthy of Armor in ancient Circassian.
More than 1,500 vases preserved from the era contain "nonsense"
inscriptions that mostly use combinations of Greek letters but don't
form words in ancient Greek (an analogy in English would be "dosud" or
"hisme," which use the Latin alphabet but don't form meaningful words).
Some of these also include depictions of women warriors.

This Greek cup, dating from around 510 B.C., depicts an Amazon warrior on a horse. Scholars suggest wording on the vase names the woman Worthy of Armor in ancient Circassian.
Greek vases have revealed the hidden names of Amazons, mythology's
warrior women, in a report deciphering ancient languages unspoken for
In the forthcoming study of pottery dating from 550 B.C. to 450 B.C., study lead author Adrienne Mayor and J. Paul Getty Museum assistant curator David Saunders
translated Greek inscriptions into their phonetic sounds for 12 ancient
vases from Athens. The inscriptions appear next to scenes of Amazons
fighting, hunting, or shooting arrows.
They next submitted just the phonetic transcriptions without explanation to linguist John Colarusso
of Canada's McMaster University in Hamilton, who is an expert on rare
languages of the Caucasus. He translated the inscriptions into
names—such as Princess, Don't Fail, and Hot Flanks—without knowing the
details of the pictures of Amazons.
The report in the journal Hesperia
gives linguists unparalleled insight into languages last spoken more
than 2,500 years ago around the Black Sea. This area was the realm of Scythian nomads, who fought and traded with the Greeks.
Essentially, the ancient Greeks seem to have been trying to
re-create the sounds of Scythian names and words on the Amazon vases by
writing them out phonetically, the study authors suggest. In doing so,
the Greeks may have preserved the roots of ancient languages, showing
scholars how these people sounded on the steppes long ago.
"I am impressed, and I find the conclusions quite plausible," says archaeologist Ann Steiner,
an expert on ancient Greek vases at Franklin and Marshall College in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, by email. The results give weight to the
suggestion that well-traveled Athenians first learned of Amazon legends
and names from foreigners in their midst, she says.
Amazons Memorialized
Amazons were thought to be solely mythological until
archaeologists unearthed Scythian burials of real women warriors, says
Mayor, a visiting scholar at Stanford University and author of the
just-released The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World.
"Amazons were clearly exotic and exciting to the Greeks.
Clearly there is respect and admiration mixed with ambivalence," says
Mayor. "Women lived much more separate and unequal lives in the Greek
world, so the notion of women who dressed like men and fought like them
was pretty exciting to them."
On the Amazon vases, Colarusso found an archer named
Battle-Cry, a horsewoman named Worthy of Armor, and others with names
such as Hot Flanks that probably had erotic connotations. On one vase, a
scene of two Amazons hunting with a dog appears with a Greek
transliteration for the Abkhazian word meaning "set the dog loose."
The other figures shown, such as Hercules and Achilles,
were also named on the vases, leading the researchers to think the
Amazon labels were meant as names, not descriptions.
The names were probably nicknames or heroic appellations
given to Amazons, rather than real family names. Even today, Colarusso
says, speakers of modern-day languages in the Caucasus region often use
public, descriptive nicknames rather than reveal their real names.
Vases from Athens were a hot commodity in the fifth and
sixth centuries B.C., traded across the Mediterranean. Often they held
wine or were used as decanters during symposia, celebratory drinking
parties for men. The vases were often painted with legendary scenes
intended to provoke debate at the event, and a minority were inscribed
with words.

Ancient vases carrying images of Amazons reflect a long-running Greek fascination with the female warriors.
Photograph by the J. Paul Getty Museum
Athenians had a long-running fascination with Amazons and
began depicting them in art before 550 B.C., says the Getty's Saunders, a
study author. After a Scythian incursion into Thrace, the region north
of Greece, Amazons were more often shown wearing Scythian tunics,
trousers, and hats, sitting on horses and carrying bows and axes.
Mayor realized the images on the vases matched clothes
found in Scythian burials. "It all started from a hunch," she says.
"What if these illiterate gibberish scribbles on ancient Greek vases
depicting Amazons and Scythians meant something?"
Game of the Goose
To find out, Mayor first asked Colarusso, an expert on rare
languages such as Circassian, Abkhazian, Ossetian, and Ubykh, to
translate nonsense inscriptions on a vase that didn't have images of
"I had goosebumps when I realized we were really deciphering sounds perhaps 3,000 years old," Colarusso says now.
The goosebumps came, in fact, from the New York Goose Play Vase,
now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The vase, dating to
400 B.C., depicts a scene involving a policeman and a dead goose in a
On the vase, some characters speak decipherable Greek
phrases, but the policeman says something that sounds like
"noraretteblo," meaningless in Greek. Colarusso, blind to the scene on
the vase, translated the phrase into "This sneak thief steals from the
man over there" in ancient Circassian.
Remarkably, Athens is thought to have employed Scythian
constables in the era of the lost play depicted on the vase, suggesting
the Greeks depicted foreigners they were familiar with.
"Deciphering that very exact phrase told me we had
something," Colarusso says. The languages of the Caucasus region still
contain words with repeated hard, friction-filled sounds, such as "kh,"
he says, making them diagnosable as archaic Scythian sounds rendered
phonetically in Greek phrases on the vases.
Making Sense of Nonsense
To test the translations, Mayor also sent Colarusso true Greek-inflected gibberish, which he couldn't translate.
In other instances, Colarusso translated words that are
nonsense in Greek into phrases from other, archaic dialects. For
example, without seeing the image on a vase depicting a Scythian archer
next to a dog, he translated the inscribed words into "the dog is
sitting by him."
"They've taken a great deal of trouble to make it a really convincing case," says classicist Anthony Snodgrass of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, who was not on the study team.
The only limitation of the study, Snodgrass says, is the small number of vases used in the research, a dozen of the 1,500 known.
"It all raises a lot of questions: Why would the Athenians
want these phrases on their vases?" Saunders says. Many of the vases
were exported to northern Italy, where Scythians must have been quite
rare, and were found in Etruscan burials there.
All in all, the translations point to the wide
interconnection of the ancient world, he says, where Bronze Age trade
routes were used to carry goods from Iberia to Siberia.
"It certainly has made me a lot more careful about what I call nonsense," Saunders adds.
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