The redheaded war goddess

The redheaded war goddess

Boudica pronounced Bo-di-kar also spelled Boudicca was a magnificence looking woman she was tall with a mass of red hair which reached to her hips, riding in her chariot she was a magnificent sight, she took up the title as Queen, formed an army and raged war against the Romans,

One of her first successful victories was Camulodunum now modern day Colchester, the governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus was at the time leading a assault on the island of Anglesey in north Wales, in the mean time Queen Boudicca’s army was growing by those unhappy with the Roman onslaught,

Next on Boudicca's list was London

A Roman legion, the IX Hispana was totally destroyed by her army, when news of the revolt reached Suetonius in Anglesey he hurried back to a twenty-year-old commercial settlement by the name of Londinium modern day London.

Boudicca by now had visions of eradicating Britain of the Romans set her sights on Londinium, Suetonius quickly came to the conclusion that he lacked the numbers to defend Londinium evacuated and abandoned it, Boudicca army marched victorious into Londinium, It was burnt to the ground she then went on to take Verulamium now St Albans.

The Battle of Watling Street

All in all an estimated 70,000–80,000 Romans were slain by the red headed Celtic queen in the three cities, Suetonius, meanwhile, regrouped his forces in the West Midlands, and despite being heavily outnumbered, defeated the Britons in the Battle of Watling Street.

Emperor Nero had considered withdrawing all Roman forces from Britain, but Suetonius’ ultimate victory over Boudica secured his control of the region.

One theory is that Boudica then killed herself so she would not be captured

Britain has produced many fierce, gracious warriors down the ages who have fought to keep Britain free, but none were as this formidable lady whose name will never be forgotten this Warrior Queen who fought the might of Rome - Queen Boudica.

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